Custom algorithms

I’m working on the RPG Maker project importer and the TURBU editor at the same time. As I was writing a converter for skill settings records (the thing that decides when a character gains certain skills), I realized that what I was working on represented one of the major differences in design philosophy between RPG Maker and TURBU.

Here’s the skill settings screen for RPG Maker 2003:

It lets you pick a skill and decide whether or not the hero can use it, based on one factor: his level. This leads to a lot of complicated (and wasteful!) common events in projects that want to have skills associated with equipment instead.

TURBU will allow you to write your own algorithms for many in-game calculations. The skill decision is one of them. There will be a handful of premade functions for determining how skills get used. They give you four numbers to use, which you can name for convenience, and do whatever you want with them in order to determine the status of your skills. So if you want to base a skill on equipment, there will be a built-in algorithm for that, or you can design your own for greater customizability. For example, the following screenshot shows a skill that’s only available if you’ve got item #35 equipped, (presumably some kind of blade,) and your second hand is empty:

The importer will automatically set existing skills to the Level (default) algorithm, and the common event converter will scan for things that look like equipment/skill controllers and give you the option to automatically convert them into Skill Settings records on the Equipment (default) algorithm. Other things you’ll be able to customize include battle formulas, EXP requirement and stat curve generators, and probably plenty of other things as I think them up.

4 Responses to “Custom algorithms”

  1. Jack says:

    Oh wow, new update! And a good one!

  2. Sam says:

    Cool, it looks like the words CMS and CBS will be gone from the RPGMaker community once this comes out.

  3. Sam:
    It would be nice if I could accomplish that. I won’t be that optimistic, but I will work to make things as customizable as possible. My personal philosophy is, an RPG designer ought to spend his or her time creating the game, not the game engine.