Archive for November, 2010

Map zooming and more bugfixes

Monday, November 8th, 2010

Version 0.8.7 is here.  Hopefully it’ll work right for everyone.  I fixed a handful of bugs and added a new feature:  Map zooming.  There’s a trackbar at the top of the screen that wasn’t there before.  Dragging it will change the map’s zoom level so you can zoom in and see more details on a local area, or zoom way out to see a lot of a large map. (more…)

Update tomorrow, I hope

Sunday, November 7th, 2010

I thought I had the next update all ready.  It fixes several bugs and adds a new feature: the ability to zoom the editor window in and out, like you can in RPG Maker.  Then I tested one last thing and all the zoom code fell apart.  It’s a lot more complicated than I thought it would be, especially because I already implemented resizing and the way it’s done doesn’t work well with zoom.

I’ll probably have to rip all of the resize code out and replace it sometime tomorrow.  The new update should be ready by tomorrow evening.